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Wednesday, February 11, 2009



From the presentation, this reading is about perspective and ideology. Perspective is the position or stance from which something is considered, while ideology is a national, political or social philosophy the belief system and outlook of a particular group of people. Besides, the presenter also shows how the connection of between perspective, ideology and language by illustrates these points using a range of newspaper, article written about events in South Africa. For example, differences language, perspective and ideology between white and black perspective. The reference to the black township of Soweto in Africa rather than simply to the township of Soweto is directed to an expectation on the part of the reader that people are white. The presenter told that to interpret these features that act as ‘markers’ or indicator of the perspective and ideology we need to understand how they interact ( writer and audience). The choices of vocabulary and grammar people make reflect the values and attitudes of their social group, rather than being result of a conscious selection process. As a conclusion, this reading are the product of the operation of linguistic system and the way of using language can influence reader that impact in critical literacy.


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