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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Reading 1.2

Reading 1.2

Stories and facts. – What can you understand from the presentation?
Anything that you can add

From this reading 1.2, it is about the relationship between the function and form of different types of writing. It is focuses on form of factual writing like description, recount, procedure and report in writing for and by children in order to illustrate the link between form and purpose. The presenter present this topic good but lack of communicates with the audience. As a result audience cannot understand what the presenter said.

Recount is a type of story in which people communicate “what has happened to them”. It is mostly the factual writing which resembles the recounts that just considered in some respect but differs along are crucial dimensions. Another thing in this stories and facts is the procedure of writing which is closest type a factual writing to narrative. It is build up around a sequence of events. While recounts will explain what was done, a procedure may draw a general conclusion from specific events and explain how things are done. It often contains instruction. Procedural writing makes use of both possibilities, although in mature texts one alternative is selected and used consistently throughout.

Reports writing will focus on ‘classes of things rather than individuals’. The function of the report genres as a whole is to describes in general terms, not explain and that, report function in our culture to store information. The difference between description and reports is very similar to that between Recounts and Procedures. Like procedures, reports make general, not specific statements.

With factual writing, there is a related concern that little opportunity is provided in these genres for creativity and imagination. Factual writing, on the other hand has a different function. Factual writing is designed not to amuse us, but to explore the world around us. Explanation will focus on a judgment made by the writer. It will involve the writer interpreting the world not simply observing it. Besides, sexism and factual writing describes the boys is nature and girls in the nurture.


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